25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

I migliori pizzaioli di tutto il mondo si mettono in competizione

Evento in Parma fiere

25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

Pizza Autentica- Bretenoux - campionati mondiali 2013/14

campionati mondiali 2016 Famiglia Lanzi

Fiere Parma 2016

la più importante e conosciuta kermesse della pizza. Al Palacassa di Parma, il piatto italiano più conosciuto al mondo diventerà per tre giorni il protagonista indiscusso, assieme ai pizzaioli e ai cuochi che animeranno

Lanzi Virginia e Fabrizio provenienti da Bretenoux in Francia

Lanzi Virginia e Fabrizio provenienti da Bretenoux in Francia

le competizioni e la manifestazione. Anche quest’anno Lanzi Virginia e Fabrizio provenienti da Bretenoux in Francia, ma di origine Italiana in Basilicanova di Parma Partecipano all’evento, 25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza, Lanzi Virginie et Fabrizio de Bretenoux en France mais d’origine italienne dans Basilicanova de Parme. PROGRAMMA DELLA MANIFESTAZIONE LUNEDI’ 11 APRILE Dalle ore 9.00 apertura della Segreteria presso il Palacassa della Fiera di Parma. Dalle ore 10.00 inizio di tutte le gare gastronomiche e selezioni per il Trofeo Heinz Beck. A seguire selezioni per la gara di Stile Libero individuale. MARTEDI’ 12 APRILE Dalle ore 9.00 apertura della Segreteria presso il Palacassa della Fiera di Parma. Dalle ore 10.00 inizio di tutte le gare gastronomiche e selezioni per il Trofeo Heinz Beck. A seguire selezioni per la gara di Stile Libero individuale. MERCOLEDI’ 13 APRILE Dalle ore 9.00 apertura della Segreteria presso il Palacassa

25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza Lanzi

25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza, Lanzi

della Fiera di Parma. Dalle ore 10.00 gare di Velocità e Larghezza. Dalle ore 10.00 proseguimento gara di “Pizza a Due” e finale del Trofeo Heinz Beck “I Primi… in Pizzeria”. A seguire gara di Stile Libero a Squadre e finale di Stile Libero individuale. Alle ore 20.00 inizio del Gran Galà della Pizza, premiazioni e chiusura del Campionato Mondiale della Pizza 2016. Per ulteriori informazioni: tel. +39 / 421 83 148 – www.campionatomondialedellapizza.it – www.pizzaworldchampionship.com. LUNDI 11 AVRIL À partir de 9.00 heures ouverture du Secrétariat auprès du Palacassa, Salon des Expositions de Parme. À partir de 10.00 heures compétitions de cuisson et sélections pour le Trophée Heinz Beck. Suivront les sélections pour la compétition de Style Libre individuel. MARDI 12 AVRIL À partir de 9.00 heures ouverture du Secrétariat auprès du Palacassa, Salon des Expositions de Parme. À partir de 10.00 heures compétitions de cuisson et sélections pour le Trophée Heinz Beck. Suivront les sélections pour la compétition de Style Libre individuel. MERCREDI 13 AVRIL À partir de 9.00 heures ouverture du Secrétariat auprès du Palacassa, Salon des Expositions de Parme. À partir de 10.00 heures compétitions de Vitesse et Largeur. À partir de 10.00 heures compétition de “Pizza à Deux” et finale du Trophée Heinz Beck “Entrées… en Pizzéria”. Suivront la compétition de Style Libre en Équipe et finale de Style Libre individuel. À partir d 20.00 heures début du Grand Gala de la Pizza, remise de prix et cérémonie de clôture du Championnat du Monde de la Pizza 2016. 

Pizzaioli francesi

Pizza Classica
• Pizza in Teglia, Pizza Senza Glutine, Pizza Napoletana STG, Pizza in Pala, Pizza a Due,Pizza Triathlon, Stile libero individuale, Stile libero a squadre, Pizzaiolo più veloce, Pizza più larga,“Trofeo Heinz Beck…I Primi Piatti in Pizzeria”.

facebook   ladepeche.fr/article/2016  V. Lanzi dans le top 10 mondial de la pizza.

Chiamaci subito al numero 0421 83148 per informazioni      sito web   +39 0521 9961 Fiere Parma

Fiere di Parma, Viale delle Esposizioni, 393 Parma PR 43126 Italia

Pizza Autentica- Bretenoux - campionati mondiali 2013/14

campionati mondiali 2016

Lanzi Virginia e Fabrizio provenienti da Bretenoux in Francia


Pizza Classica  Risultati e classifiche    I vincitori | The winners


378 Bicchierai Ludovic 851
376 Russo Alfio 828
294 Cusumano Nicolo’ 820
269 Mirabella Lorenzo 817
345 Cannizzaro Carmela 805
377 Mansi Vincenzo 799
245 Lanzi Virginie 791
343 Torre Valerio Luca 787
323 Freddi Pietro 784
232 Meyer Laura 783

25° edizione 40 nazioni presenti 650 partecipanti settima posizione per Lanzi Virginia nella Pizza Classica i responsabili hanno fatto notare l’alta qualità della pizza.

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato "Pizza Classica" Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato “Pizza Classica” Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato "Pizza Classica" Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato “Pizza Classica” Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma










25 edizione Campionati del mondo della Pizza



“Dove dormire” per le Fiere di Parma 25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

Dormire nelle vicinanze Antica Cascina San Geminiano Bed and breakfast

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato "Pizza Classica" Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato “Pizza Classica” Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato "Pizza Classica" Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma

Virginie Lanzi 7° classificato “Pizza Classica” Campionato mondiale della pizza 2016 Parma









23°Campionato mondiale della pizza 2014

24° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza 2015

Anche quest’anno Lanzi Virginia e Fabrizio provenienti da Bretenoux in Francia, ma di origine Italiana in Basilicanova di Parma Partecipano all’evento, 25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza, Lanzi Virginie et Fabrizio de Bretenoux en France mais d’origine italienne dans Basilicanova de Parme

Lanzi Virginia e Fabrizio Bretenoux Francia 25° Campionato Mondiale della Pizza

COMPETITION RULES CLASSIC PIZZA – PAN PIZZA – PIZZA ON THE PEEL – STG NEAPOLITAN PIZZA – PIZZA TRIATHLON 2016 1. At the World Pizza Championship 2016 – organized by Pizza New Spa, in cooperation with the magazine “Pizza e Pasta italiana”, may participate all pizzaioli. The participants must be at least 16 years of age. Pizza bakers working for sponsoring companies, in any possible way, are no admitted to take part to the Championship. 2. The registration for all the competitions is open from December 14 2015 until all AVAILABLE PLACES ARE TAKEN. The competitors of “Classic Pizza”, “Pan Pizza”, “Pizza on the Peel” and “STG Neapolitan Pizza” can choose to compete on Monday April, 11 or Tuesday April, 12 2016 until available places are all taken. To enrol, phone the competition secretary’s office on 0039 421 83148 or get registered on line www.worldpizzachampionship.com and they will be valid only when all personal data, billing information, event registration and payment are transmitted completely. The enrolment will be confirmed and valid on receiving payment that must be sent by money order within 2 days of the telephonic enrolment, or with credit card or paypal at the same time of the online registration. If this is not done the pre-enrolment will be cancelled. The fee is Euro 160,00 for each competition, if carried out by phone, or online registration euro 150,00. If the competitor takes part to more than one event, a 10% discount will be applayed. If an enrolment payment is delayed this may result in the enrolment being invalid. In case of annulment the enrolment fee will be reimbursed on receiving communication 15 days prior to the start of the event. No registrations are taken during the event. The competitor’s registrations is valid as acceptance of the competition rules and consent to the processing of personal data 196/03. 3. All participants of the baking classes should be at Palacassa in Parma at 9.00 am of the same day of the competition and return to the secretary office for the enrolment and to withdraw the competition number. The selections of the single free style category will take place on April 11 and April 12 and the competitors registered will have to show up at the secretary office on the day of their round. 4. The competitors may wear their own organization or group uniforms or even the uniforms of their own pizzerias but they may not publicise brands other than those present at the world pizza championship. A hat and an adequate uniform are suggested. Only the competitors wearing a pizzaiolo uniform may take to the stage during the prize giving. No companies’ brands on participants’ uniforms are admitted. 5. The theme for the Championship of the gastronomic category is “Fantasy Pizza”. Pizzas will be judged by a panel of judges on PREPARATION, TASTE, BAKING. Dessert pizzas and focaccia bread are excluded from the competition. 6. “Classic Pizza” and “Pizza on the Peel” category are to duelled either on electric or wood fired ovens, upon the competitor’s choice. 7. Each competitor will use his/her products. The organization will provide only the tools normally used and the mixer for those who want to make the dough on the spot. An official of the Pizza World Championship will monitor so that each competitor, once his/her division is over, removes from the preparation room all the work tools, ingredients and all the personal material, and thoroughly clean the space used. Those who do not abide by this disposition will be disqualified without appeal. 8. When the judge gives the go ahead, the competitor will make his/her pizza, he/her will show it to the jury on their presentation plate (within a maximum time of 15 minutes for “Classic Pizza”, “Neapolitan STG” and “Gluten Free”, 30 minutes for “Pan Pizza” and 20 minutes for “Pizza on the peel”). During the competition, the competitor will occupy his own position to the oven and will not move until his pizza is ready. Each pizza is then cut into pieces and given to the jury for tasting. Each pizza presented during the competition must be submitted directly by the applicant, any helper will not be able to talk to the jury and also must wear the work uniform. It will be possible to accompany each pizza with an appropriate drink, but will be strictly prohibited from offering small gifts or mementos to the Jury or from preparing the jury’s table by using any cutlery or tools, will be disqualified. For “Pan Pizza”, it is forbidden to use pre-cooked dough made in external laboratories. If necessary, the pre-cooking may be made before the competition starts, after consultation with the judges to the ovens. The pizza will be rolled out in the presence of the judges to the ovens and even the leavening, if required, will be prepared after consultation with the referee. The pan containing the pizza will be put on racks provided by the organization and arranged in the cooking area. The contestants in the category “STG Neapolitan Pizza” must know the regulations governing the production and declare that in their pizzeria or where they work, the “STG Neapolitan Pizza” is served regularly. An inspector will see that the pizza complies with all directions of the STG specification, registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. Those pizzas that do not meet the specification for the TSG will not be disqualified but shall be considered valid for the category “Classic Pizza”. The specification is available at www.politicheagricole.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/2345 For “Pizza on the peel” the organization will provide a peel (60 x 35 cm) that must be used to bake the pizza and have roughly the same size. Competitors will have 20 minutes to prepare, cook and present it to pizza jury. “Pizza on the peel” can not be cut off and stuffed like a focaccia bread and must be submitted to the jury on its own plate or cutting board. 9. The judges will award each pizza points on a scale of 1 to 100 for each requested skill. The points given by each judge will be added together and the total will determine the position. 10. On Monday April 11, the first three contestants to present themselves in front of the judges will be awarded bonus prize points on their total score by the Organisation. 10 points Bonus. 11. Participants to a minimum of three single events among Classic Pizza, Pan Pizza, Pizza on the Peel, Neapolitan STG pizza, Gluten free pizza will be selected for the Pizza Triathlon event. The top three scores of each competitor will be summed up and the math calculation will determine the placing. 12. The jury’s decision is final and without appeal. Possible claims can be transmitted to the World Pizza Championship Organization, through a written communication starting from the day after the end of the event and not more than 10 days later. The acceptance of the claim won’t change the jury’s evaluation. 13. The results will be publicly displayed the same evening as the prize are given. Everybody may request to see their marks at the end of the Championship at the headquarter in Caorle (VE) – Italy, only by appointment. 14. The Organizers reserve all publicity and image rights regarding the contestants of each category for one year and the unlimited use of photographic and other material without any obligation to the contestants. 15. The organizer has the right to make any change to improve the carrying out of the event. RÈGLEMENT COMPÉTITION PIZZA CLASSIQUE – PIZZA EN PLAT – PIZZA EN PELLE – PIZZA NAPOLITAINE